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Upline: Before you buy frequently asked questions

Your type of business

  1. What MLM organisations does your UpLine software support?
  2. My business does not use a MLM model - is the software useful to me?
  3. What is Multi-Level-Marketing (MLM)?
  4. What's the difference between MLM and Network Marketing?
  5. I sell services, not products, can I use the software?
  6. My business is a 'party plan' - how can UpLine help?
  7. I'm not sure the software is right for my business - what should I do?


  8. Can I try before I buy?
  9. Is the evaluation version the same as the full version?
  10. Do I need to download twice - once for evaluation and once after purchase?


  11. How much does it cost?
  12. Do I have to I order the software on-line?
  13. Is my on-line payment secure?


  14. What are the minimum & recommended system requirements?
  15. Does UpLine work under all versions of Windows®?
  16. Why is the download so big?
  17. What database does UpLine use?
  18. I don't live in the UK - can I still use the software?


  19. Do you have other FAQ for support issues?
  20. What help is available?


  21. Why should I bother?
  22. How can I give feedback?
  23. Do I need to 'activate' the software?
  24. Can I pass the software on to others?

What MLM organisations does your UpLine software support?

That really depends upon what you want from it. Many features are not dependent on your MLM 'corporate sponsor' (i.e. supplier) at all. If you want to import catalogues or use the 'What If' tool to project income for your downline then UpLine will rely more upon specific knowledge of the business model but most other features will be unaffected by your MLM business type.

Much of our focus has initially been directed towards the Kleeneze and Amway business models but, if you have specific questions about other types of business, please contact us - we are keen to further enhance UpLine and therefore we will consider implementing support for other popular business models on request.

If you are in doubt as to whether your business model is adequately supported, remember you can always try out the software using our free 30 day evaluation download - if there's something missing, please tell us about it.

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My business does not use a MLM model - is the software useful to me?

Yes! Some features will be less relevant but if you want to maintain a customer database, deliver products, take orders, record business income and expenditure, organise catalogue drops then there are features that cover all these areas.

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What is Multi-Level-Marketing (MLM)?

Loosely, Multi-Level-Marketing is a means by which income is earned not only by the direct sale of products or services to consumers but also from sales made by individuals you have personally introduced to the same business (i.e. 'sponsored').

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What's the difference between MLM and Network Marketing?

Nothing, as far as we know!

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I sell services, not products, can I use the software?

Yes - most features will still be relevant. You may not have any catalogues as such and there may be no physical delivery involved but many of the other features of the software should be of benefit.

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My business is a 'party plan' - how can UpLine help?

Many aspects of a direct selling business are the same whether selling via party-plan or not. Customers, products, catalogues, income, expenses, stationery etc. All these features are just as relevant to a 'Party Plan' model.

UpLine also has, for example, a 'Group' to which contacts can be assigned. You can add your own groups for, e.g, 'Sharon's party 01/04/2006', 'Emily's party Jan 4th'. You can then assign contacts (e.g. party host/hostess, attendees etc) to the relevant group (i.e. party) and view all the attendees together within the main Contact window. You can then print personalised invitations or other stationery and enter orders for attendees. Once attendees have become customers, their contact details and buying preferences will always be to hand should you want to invite them to another party, send them an updated catalogue or draw their attention to a special offer.

I'm not sure the software is right for my business - what should I do?

Either contact us with further questions or try out the software using our free 30 day evaluation download. If you don't like it or feel there are major omissions - please let us know.

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Can I try before I buy?

Yes - we offer a free 30 day evaluation download. You can experiment with this to see if it meets your needs. If it does, you can buy on-line and request an activation key. This key will convert your evaluation version to the full version and remove the 30 day restriction. If it does not meet your needs, please tell us. We do not intend that this software will stagnate and we would like it to expand and grow over time so that it will address many business requirements we have, perhaps, not yet anticipated.

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Is the evaluation version the same as the full version?

Yes - apart from a 30 day restriction on its use and one or two disabled features. We would not expect these very minor limitations to interfere with your evaluation of the software.

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Do I need to download twice - once for evaluation and once after purchase?

No. Provided we have not upgraded the software between your download and purchase, all you have to do is obtain an activation key from us and you can continue to use the same copy of the software.

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How much does it cost?

As we have just launched a radically improved version of the software, it is currently available at a special promotional price of GBP £29.99 for the download version. A CD version is also available at additional cost. This offer will not last for ever!

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Do I have to order the software on-line?

No. You can order a CD for shipment (to any UK address) and pay by credit card or cheque. However the on-line download version is cheaper.

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Is my on-line payment secure?

Yes. Your personal details are captured using SSL encryption technology which requires us to register for a certificate from an independent provider. Our registration details can be confirmed by clicking here. On-line payments are handled by Protx through their own secure web site. You can verify that a page is secure by checking the content of your browser's address bar - the URL of the page you have open should start with 'https' (not just 'http') and the padlock symbol should appear at the bottom of the browser window. Appearance of the padlock symbol anywhere else on a page does not, on its own, guarantee that you are dealing with a secure site.

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What are the minimum & recommended system requirements?

These can be viewed on the minimum requirements page.

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Does UpLine work under all versions of Windows®?

No. We recommend Windows® XP (with Service Pack 3). UpLine will not currently run under Windows® 7 or Windows Vista ™.

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Why is the download so big?

UpLine is a sophisticated and feature-rich software product. In order to support all the features included, it uses many tools and components developed both by Phase Software and by third parties - all of these add to the size of the download. In particular, Microsoft® MSDE database engine (see below) occupies a considerable portion of the download and we have no control over the size of this component. With a broadband connection, download time should not prove inconvenient but, if you don't have broadband, it will take considerably longer and you may prefer to purchase the product on CD or download on a PC with broadband access and subsequently transfer to your own PC.

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What database does UpLine use?

It's called MSDE 2000. It is essentially a redistributable version of the flagship database product Microsoft® SQL Server 2000. We chose it because it is powerful and flexible and it allowed us to re-use tools and components we had developed for larger corporate customers.

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I don't live in the UK - can I still use the software?

Yes. At the moment, we have no translations to foreign-languages available but many of the software's settings (e.g. date, currency etc) are deduced from your Windows® settings or from settings within the UpLine database (e.g. sales tax rate) that can be altered. If you have any doubts why not try our free 30 day evaluation download.

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Do you have other FAQ for support issues?

Yes. Just go to the Support FAQ section under UpLine or click here.

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What help is available?

The software ships with a comprehensive on-line help file. You may also contact us via email for product support. A separate list of Support FAQ is also available.

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Why should I bother?

What have you got to lose? If you are not convinced, try the free 30 day evaluation download. The software contains many features designed specifically to help make MLM & Direct sales distributors' lives easier. It should save you time, help organise you and your work and keep your records accurate and current. If it fails in that 'mission' please feel free to suggest improvements.

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How can I give feedback?

We genuinely welcome feedback on the software - positive or negative as long as it is constructive. Please just send us an email with your comments or with as much detail as possible about your problem. The initial development of this software was driven by input from genuine MLM distributors but we don't expect to please everyone nor to get everything right first time. Please let us know if we have impressed or disappointed you.

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Do I need to 'activate' the software?

Yes - but only if you want to use the software beyond the default 30 day evaluation period. To activate your software, you will need your sales invoice number to hand (provided on-line and confirmed via email after on-line purchase). Once you have entered this (in the Licence Activation window that fires each time you start the evaluation version of UpLine), UpLine will connect to our licensing server which will return an activation key which will then remove the 30 day restriction from the software.

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Can I pass the software on to others?

Unfortunately, no. When you buy or download the software you must agree to the terms and conditions of the End User Licence Agreement - either by ticking a box on-line or breaking the seal on the CD. So, if you pass the software to another individual, they will have bypassed this process and therefore will not be licensed to use the software.

Once UpLine has been installed (after download or purchase), the software immediately commences a 30 day evaluation period irrespective of whether it has been purchased or not. The software must be 'activated' with a key we provide (at time of purchase) to remove the 30 day restriction. Consequently, even if (for example) an UpLine CD is passed to another individual, this version would still have to be activated even if the original had been both purchased and activated.

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